24灏忔椂鏈嶅姟鐑嚎锛� 139 2456 5726 楠ㄦ灦寮忓钩鏉胯溅,ATV鎷栬溅,闆ㄧ鎷栬溅,LED骞垮憡鎷栬溅,鍐呯疆姹借溅灏炬澘 鐢熶骇鍘傚鍗楀伐杞﹁締_鐭�旂墿娴佽繍杈撲笓瀹�
鎮ㄦ墍鍦ㄧ殑浣嶇疆锛� 棣栭〉 > 浜у搧涓績 > 宸ヤ笟骞虫澘鎷栬溅 > 鏍囧噯鍨嬪伐涓氬钩鏉挎嫋杞� > 杞诲瀷宸ヤ笟骞虫澘鎷栬溅




    骞虫澘鎷栬溅鏄幇浠g墿娴佽繍杈撲腑 绠�鍗曟湁鏁堢殑閲嶈宸ュ叿涔嬩竴銆備粎闇�鍙夎溅鎴栫壍寮曡溅浣滅壍寮曡繍鍔紝涓嶈�楃噧鏂欙紝鍏锋湁鎵块噸鑳藉姏寮恒�佽繍杈撴晥鐜囬珮绛変紭鍔匡紝閫傜敤浜庡伐鍘傘�佺爜澶淬�佹腐鍙c�佷粨搴撶瓑鍦哄尯鍐呭ぇ瀹楄揣鐗╁懆杞繍杈�銆�

    As the most efficient carrier in modern logistics鈥� transportation, industrial full trailer is generally an unpowered vehicle towed by a powered machine. It is commonly used for the transport of heavy duty goods and materials in plant, warehouse, port, oil or mine field etc..



Nangong Standard Industrial Flatbed Full Trailer has divided into light duty, medium duty and heavy duty according to its loading capacity, but not attached any special configurations.

浜у搧鐗圭偣Product Features

1. Material of Chassis, 20 years鈥� designed service life, adopting the combination of GB high manganese alloy steel and highly dense reinforcing ribs to ensure large bearing capacity.
2. High quality tires collecting from famous supplier, promise a great performance with the advantage of higher elasticity, stronger wear-resistance and less maintain requirement.
3. Reliable turntable type steering system assembles 180掳whirling stands, allowing small radius rotation.
4.Height adjustable buffering dragger helps to manual link different tractor conveniently. Meanwhile, patented designed of return spring effectively help to lessen the mechanical stress on the draw bar, extended the whole trailer鈥檚 service life.
5. New suspended bracket is another part for lessening mechanical stress on the whole trailer. Compared with traditional rigid joint, new version service longer period.  
6. Automatic swing axle is adjustable and able to ensure cargo boarding in horizon and tires suffering same pressure on rough road.

鏍囧噯閰嶇疆Standard configuration

杞洏寮忓洖杞粨鏋�               瀹炲績/绌哄績杞儙      缂撳啿寮忕壍寮曟灦
Turntable type steering system    Solid / Hollow tire    Buffering dragger
鎮诞寮忚溅鏋�         閿板悎閲戦挗杞︽灦                  杩炴帴鍣ㄥ強鎻掗攢
Suspended bracket    High manganese alloy steel frame   Coupler and pin
杞酱鑷姩鎽嗗姩璋冭妭             闃叉粦鑺辩汗鏉胯〃闈�               鑷埗鏍囧噯杞︽ˉ
Adjustable automatic swing axle   Checkered plate Covered platform  NanGong axle


杞诲瀷宸ヤ笟骞虫澘鎷栬溅[3-6鍚╙ Light Duty Industrial Flatbed Full Trailer
Light duty version usually applies to the transport of light industrial line, like small household electric appliances, furniture, printing and electrical goods etc


鍨嬪彿Model No. 鎵块噸骞冲彴灏哄 Size [绫�/Meter] 楂� Height     [绫�/Meter] 鎵块噸閲嶉噺 Payload Capacity [鍚�/Ton] 杞儙绫诲瀷 Type of Tire 杞儙鏁伴噺Tire QTY 涓绘灦鏋勯挗缁撴瀯Cross Member 涓绘閽㈢粨鏋� Main Beam
闀� Length 瀹� Width
NGFT03-12/24-4S 2.40 1.20 0.58 3 瀹炲績鑳�/Solid 4 5# 8#
NGFT03-15/30-4S 3.00 1.50 0.58 3 瀹炲績鑳�/Solid 4 5# 8#
NGFT03-18/40-4S 4.00 1.80 0.58 3 瀹炲績鑳�/Solid 4 5# 8#
NGFT03-20/40-4S 4.00 2.00 0.58 3 瀹炲績鑳�/Solid 4 5# 8#
NGFT04-20/40-4S 4.00 2.00 0.68 4 瀹炲績鑳�/Solid 4 8# 8#
NGFT04-22/45-4S 4.50 2.20 0.68 4 瀹炲績鑳�/Solid 4 8# 8#
NGFT04-24/56-4S 5.60 2.40 0.68 4 瀹炲績鑳�/Solid 4 8# 8#
NGFT04-25/60-4S 6.00 2.50 0.68 4 瀹炲績鑳�/Solid 4 8# 8#
NGFT05-12/24-4S 2.40 1.20 0.68 5 瀹炲績鑳�/Solid 4 8# 8#
NGFT05-15/30-4S 3.00 1.50 0.68 5 瀹炲績鑳�/Solid 4 8# 8#
NGFT05-15/38-4S 3.80 1.50 0.68 5 瀹炲績鑳�/Solid 4 8# 8#
NGFT05-18/45-4S 4.50 1.80 0.68 5 瀹炲績鑳�/Solid 4 8# 8#
NGFT06-12/24-4S 2.40 1.20 0.72 6 瀹炲績鑳�/Solid 4 8# 8#
NGFT06-15/30-4S 3.00 1.50 0.72 6 瀹炲績鑳�/Solid 4 8# 8#
NGFT06-18/40-4S 4.00 1.80 0.72 6 瀹炲績鑳�/Solid 4 8# 8#
NGFT06-20/45-4S 4.50 2.00 0.72 6 瀹炲績鑳�/Solid 4 8# 8#
NGFT06-22/56-4S 5.60 2.20 0.72 6 瀹炲績鑳�/Solid 4 8# 8#
NGFT06-24/60-4S 6.00 2.40 0.72 6 瀹炲績鑳�/Solid 4 8# 8#
NGFT06-25/60-4S 6.00 2.50 0.72 6 瀹炲績鑳�/Solid 4 8# 8#

